Helleborus Royal Heritage™ Strain
It flowers in winter and spring color is amazing!
Flowers 5 months!
50 years dedicated English breeding and 10 years, the collection and analysis this year are looking forward to our customers the best possible use for several decades. Royal Heritage hellebores% u2122 The host is the place of the first multi careless in the shade (and partial sun).
Only the best is a wide range of juicy colors (purple, red, white, almost black, green, pink and even yellow) of 2-inch flowers captured overlap. We stock garden produces flowers for nearly five months in the winter to spring. Cut and floated, it's a great center, which lasts up to two weeks.
Gardener "dream system" - a very stable, low maintenance, very disease free, very free of parasites! Easy to install, to save the container vigorously. Over the years, each group can withstand a long life from 1918 to 1924 cm in height and 2-3 m. Periods of total tolerance, heat and humidity and drought, where there is good drainage, to maintain soil moisture. also develop on the earth! Zone 4-8 .