Wayside Gardens: Rural Values That Still Work the Old-Fashioned Way
Down the avenues of the past are our memories of a world long gone.There have been a lot of changes in life over the last few years and many of the old fashioned ideals have gone by the "wayside". In a world dominated by urban people, our prevailing values derive from rural values that are deep-rooted into the past. These old rural values are based on God and tradition. The close-knit family was the epitome of traditional values that helped create a sense of community and belonging. Rural values also meant taking a slower walk in life, providing protection from the pressure and the temptations of a fast-paced and ever-changing world.THE SIMPLE LIFEThe simple life of the country eliminates all that is superficial. Rural residents accept their simple and natural lives and enjoy that small town, rural feel. They know the land-they plough it to grow food and harvest it, stack firewood, and tend to farm animals. Their families come home to the smell of a home-cooked meal that is healthy and tasty because the food that graces their table comes exclusively from the bounty of their gardens, fields and pastures.Living the simple, self-sufficient way of life, close to nature and in direct contact with natural things you see the real world in its natural state with its acres of space, its visual delights and its panoramic backdrop of rural lands and blue skies.The beauties of nature are everywhere. Take a quiet country road and follow it out to where the air is full of scent and sound with the song of birds, the murmur of insects and the humming of bees and to the magic and peacefulness of its little rural towns and hamlets.The tranquil, country environment is a never failing source of pleasure in a rural world where time seems to stand still.The glorious countryside, filled with rolling fields of wheat, vegetable gardens, orchards and, fresh air is surrounded by the quiet of nature in an unspoiled, natural environment. [EXTRACT] The avenues of the past are the memories of a world gone.There time there have been many changes in life in recent years and many old-fashioned ideals have gone through the "way". In a world dominated by urban people, our values are derived predominantly rural values that are deeply rooted in the past. These rural values are based on God's age and tradition. The family unit was the embodiment of traditional values that helped create a sense of community and belonging. Rural values also meant to give a slow ride in life, providing protection against pressure and the temptations of a life-changing fast-paced and simple LIFEThe SIMPLE world.The country eliminates all that is superficial. Rural residents accept his simple and natural life and enjoy that small town, rural feel. They know that they plow the land to grow food and harvest, firewood pile, and tend to farm animals. His family home with the smell of a homemade meal that is healthy and tasty as the food that graces your table comes exclusively from the generosity of its gardens, fields and pastures.Living simple, self-sufficient life, about of nature and in direct contact with natural things you see the real world in its natural state, with its acres of space, its visual pleasures and panoramic backdrop of rural land and the blue beauties skies.The nature are everywhere. Take a quiet road and follow wherever the air is filled with the smell and sound of birds singing, the hum of insects and the humming of bees and the magic and tranquility of the small rural towns and quiet hamlets . The, country environment is a source of pleasure that never fails in a rural world where time seems to stop. The scenery glorious, full of rolling wheat fields, orchards, gardens and fresh air is surrounded by the silence of nature in an unspoiled and natural.
Wayside Gardens: Intentional Living - Release the Child Within
Throughout your life, have you ever been chastised while being playful, having others tell you that your behavior was inappropriate? Can you think of times when your antics were appreciated as cute or funny, while the next time you were punished or ridiculed for the same behavior?How many times have you heard statements such as, "Act your age!" Then you went to the movies or a circus and watched adults being paid to do the very things you had been told not to do? People are filled with judgments they project onto others; their whims tend to change with their moods. When life is good, things are silly and funny. When life is stressful, the same behavior becomes annoying and bothersome.As children develop, they learn to discriminate through experience and the reactions of others. Watch very young children at play. They pick up a toy and use their senses to explore it. They look at it, shake it, put it in their mouths, sniff it, they react to sounds it makes, they use their fingers and tongues to feel the texture, they throw or drop it . . . repeatedly. While they do this, their brain is categorizing and integrating all of this new information.When they observe the reactions of others, they are likely to change their initial belief code. For example, the baby loves ground green beans. His brother repeatedly says, "Oooh, that's gross!" When the baby is old enough to understand the older brother's reaction, it is likely the baby will reject eating ground green beans.Children are often labeled according to standardized testing norms. Soon the labeled children believe they aren't normal because they have "ADD, are slow learners, etc." How tragic for a child to label herself as inferior!Belief codes are built throughout life: children should be seen and not heard, dress and act like your peers, if I'm not good, I'll get punished, the truth gets me into trouble, etc. Many have difficulty giving and receiving. Why is this? Often, it comes from feelings of unworthiness. Other times it is from the belief "If I take this gift, then I will have to repay it" or "there are strings attached." These thoughts become entrenched during childhood, generally from parents who suffer from these issues.How does one get past these blocks? Go within and take a close look at the belief codes you currently have. Become aware of your "stinking thinking." Take time to remove your masks of fear and shame. Let go of harsh feelings you harbor against others. Take responsibility for what you eat and for your health. Choose jobs that give you joy. Be selective when bringing children into the world. Love your babies unconditionally. This cannot happen until you love yourself unconditionally.Pay attention to the way you treat each other. Choose kindness and love in every decision you make. Release issues of weight, beauty, intelligence and anything else that keeps you trapped in a world of comparison. Take time to relax in nature, observing how everything balances itself and flows without making judgments. Pay attention to the choices you make and take responsibility for whatever situations you currently find yourself. Be grateful for every experience, learning to make better choices, thus allowing your life to unfold magnificently.If you feel stuck, seek those who have been where you are and find ways they pulled themselves out of the mire. Support each other, especially during those "dark nights." Think out of the box, press past fears and closed-mindedness and work towards your dream. You are never in a position where there are not at least a dozen solutions to each problem.Put on an attitude of gratitude each morning when you arise! Gratitude opens the door to abundance. Think on this for a moment. When you give a gift to others and they are appreciative and go out of their way to give thanks, you are more likely to gift them again. When you give a gift to someone who either grumbles about it or never offers gratitude, you become less motivated to gift them in the future. An attitude of gratitude allows abundance to flow freely.Are you ready to do some major housecleaning? Swipe away the cobwebs of disillusionment, sweep away thoughts of low-self esteem and mop up all those memories of sadness and despair. Dismantle the walls and drain the moat full of alligators, allowing others to enter your domain. It is time to wash your windows and let your light shine. You created much of the mess you are in and you have the full ability to clean up that mess and create a life better than before.It will take time and effort to undo the things you have allowed, but it is well worth the effort if you truly want to experience peace and joy on a daily basis. Roll up your sleeves and begin, knowing that once you clear out the mess and get your life in control, it will be easy to maintain. After the major work is completed, you will find yourself energized, with time on your hands to enjoy more endeavors that are creative.Your need to judge others will fall to the wayside. Your ability to appreciate others will significantly increase. Your ability to maintain a state of peace no matter what happens around you will become second nature. Life will become more meaningful. Your creative juices will overflow. You will learn to be more aware each moment of your life. You can truly live in the "Garden of Eden" without fear of banishment. As you dismantle the belief codes you have created, your inner child will leap forth with exuberance and joy. [EXTRACT] Throughout his life, have you ever been punished, while being playful, others say that his behavior was inappropriate? Can you think of times when his antics were prized as clever or funny, while the next time they were punished or ridiculed by the same behavior? How many times have you heard phrases like, "Act your age!" Then she went to the movies or the circus and saw adults pay for doing the same things they had said not to do? People are full of trials that are projected onto others, their whims, tend to change with your moods. When life is good, things are silly and fun. When life is stressful, it gets annoying behavior and development of bothersome.As children learn to discriminate through experience and feedback from others. Watch the very young in the game. They pick a toy and use their senses to explore. They see, move, put in your mouth, smell it, react to the sounds it makes, using fingers and tongue to feel the texture, throw or drop. . . repeatedly. As you do this, your brain is the categorization and integration of all this new information.When to observe the reactions of others, is likely to change their initial belief code. For example, the baby loves green beans ground. His brother says repeatedly, "Oooh, that's disgusting!" When the baby is old enough to understand the reaction of the older brother, the baby is likely to reject beans.Children eat green ground are often labeled according to the rules of standardized tests. Soon the children believe they are not labeled normal because they have "ADD, are slow to learn, etc." How tragic that a child label themselves as inferior belief codes are constructed over the life! children should be seen and not heard, dress and act like their peers, if I am right, I'll be punished, I really get into trouble, etc. Many have difficulty giving and receiving. Why is this? Often, these feelings of unworthiness. Other times it is the belief "If I take this gift, then I'll have to pay" or "no conditions". These thoughts take root in childhood, usually from parents who suffer from these issues.How you get beyond these blocks? Go inside and look closely at the codes of the belief that you currently have. Become aware of your "stinking thinking." The time to remove the masks of fear and shame. Set aside hard feelings that harbor against others. Take responsibility for what you eat and your health. Choose jobs that give you joy. Be selective when bringing children into the world. The unconditional love to their babies. This can not happen until I love you unconditionally. Pay attention to how they treat each other. Choose kindness and love in every decision you make. Release of weight issues, beauty, brains and all that keeps you stuck in a world of comparison. Take time to relax in nature, watching everything is balanced and flows without making judgments. Pay attention to the choices you make and take responsibility for any situation that is now. Be grateful for all experiences, learn to make better decisions, allowing your life to develop magnificently.If feels trapped, look for those who have been where you are and find ways in which the hook was removed. Support each other, especially during the "dark nights". Think outside the box, press past fears and closed-mindedness and work toward his dream. They are never in a position where there is at least a dozen for each problem.Put solutions in an attitude of gratitude in the morning when you wake up! Gratitude opens the door to abundance. Think about this for a moment. When you give a gift to others and are grateful and out of their way of giving thanks, it is most likely to be present again. When you give a gift to someone who either complains about it or not gives you the gratitude that less and less motivated to give in the future. An attitude of gratitude allows abundance to flow freely.Are you ready to do some major house cleaning? Pass the cobwebs of disappointment, sweeping the thoughts of worthlessness and clean all the memories of sadness and despair. Breaking down the walls and the drainage ditch filled with crocodiles, allowing others to enter their domain. It's time to wash the windows and let your light shine. That has created much of the mess that is full and you have the ability to clean this mess and create a better life than before. It will take time and effort to undo things that have enabled it, but it's worth the effort if you really want to experience peace and joy on a daily basis. Roll up your sleeves and start, knowing that once they clean up the mess and put your life in control, it will be easy to maintain. After the great work is completed, you will find yourself on, with time on their hands to enjoy more creative.Your efforts that need to judge others will fall by the wayside. Your ability to appreciate others will increase significantly. Their ability to maintain a state of peace no matter what happens around them will become second nature. Life will be more significant. His creativity overflows. You learn to be more conscious in every moment of your life. You really can live in the "Garden of Eden", without fear of banishment. As dismantle the code that created the belief, your inner child will leap forward with the exuberance and joy.
Wayside Gardens: Pastor - You've Planted Good Seed - Here's How to Tell Which Will Sprout and Which Will Not

Wayside Gardens: Rain Barrels - What They Do, Why You Need One, and How They Work
Rain Barrels are quickly growing as the number one "green" product across the country - and in today's economy, can you blame them? It is important for people as consumers to find new solutions for their rising water cost, stressed water systems, and dwindling resources.Rain barrels - also known as rain catchment systems and water cisterns - have exploded on to the market. They offer a number of alternatives to water preservation and usage. They are quite simple to use - the barrels help reduce the amount of storm runoff from your home by capturing it and allowing you to use it for your own needs.There are a number of different things that you will be able to do with your harvested rain water. It can be used for watering your landscape and garden, washing your car, and filling your swimming pool. If it is properly filtered it can even be used for bathing and drinking. It is crucial to remember to never drink the water from your rain barrel unless you have the proper filtration device for purification.Rain barrels are available in a number of different sizes and styles. Whether you need water for smaller everyday tasks or for plumbing in your home - there is a rain barrel to suit your need. With so many different styles available you will be able to find one to fit in with your backyards décor. There are many basic rain barrels, or more stylish ones that even look like terracotta pots. With so many different styles available, finding one that you like will be easy.Once you have purchased your rain barrel, you will need to prepare your home to utilize your new catchment system. The installation of your rain barrel is really quite easy. The first thing that you will need to find is a level section of ground near your downspout. The design of your rain barrel will determine how the placement of your downspout will feed into your barrel. Although rain barrels are very similar - they will differ slightly on how they connect to your downspout.Every rain barrel that you encounter will have an overflow spout that is used to lead all excess water away from your homes foundation to prevent any damage. Once you have your downspout positioned to lead into your barrel correctly, you will be able to connect a hose or spigot and begin using your newly captured water!Now if you would like to catch more rain water - instead of just letting the excess water fall to the wayside once your barrel is full - you can connect multiple barrels to your already stationary rain barrel. All you will need to do is connect a hose or pipe to your overflow spout from one rain barrel to another. You can connect as many barrels as you would like to catch the most rain water.Why wouldn't you want a rain barrel? Your water bill will be reduced significantly and you will have a gorgeous lawn and a lush garden. There are so many different styles and uses for rain barrels that you are bound to find one that is the perfect fit for you! For more information, please visit Woodland Direct. [EXTRACT]#EANF#
Wayside Gardens: Staying Power - The Bars And Restaurants That Stand The Test Of Time
Here today, gone tomorrow, bars have a reputation for short-term success. But a few have the ability to ride the times and keep on top of the game.Ten years ago, I was sitting in The Groucho Club one late summer's evening discussing with a now well known haute couture designer, the new wave of drinking culture that was enveloping the capital, arguing that London really had never been so exciting. Up until that point, drinks were very much a secondary element of the overall experience - wine was simply white or red, beer came only in a pint glass and vodka was whatever paint-stripper the barman chose to pour. But in the nineties, we were on the cusp of a cocktail movement. New-world wines were making the Chardonnay and Shiraz as commonplace as the Bordeaux, while new conceptual drinks like Red Bull were seriously shaking up the market, broadening people's drinking landscape and challenging us to think about drinking as more of a lifestyle. Slowly, what was behind the bar appeared to be taking over the focus of the night. People were whispering rumours of late night bars that were open into the wee hours, where glamourous glitterati rubbed hips with the international jet-set over Manhattans and Martinis. They, along with The Groucho, were the places everyone wanted to be seen and their popularity seemed untouchable to all but the most cynical.Of course, everything has a lifespan, we cynically agreed: fashion is dead in a season, and a fashionable bar - well you wouldn't want to bet the house on it would you? We both concluded that fashions simply can't last and those bars, which today were the subject of snaking queues, would quickly turn to yesterday's news as would the drinks that were being quaffed within. Of course, in most cases we weren't far wrong. Mondo, Saint, Titanic, Riki Tik... all have fallen by the wayside having once been celebrity favourites of their day. Many others have turned from exclusive A-list excellence to godawful tourist tat. The Gin Sling became the Sea Breeze became the Bramble became the Vanilla Mojito...But it's not all doom and gloom. Today, another ten years hence, I am back in the same leather couch of the same Groucho, and ordering from the menu a Red Bull, a drink whose ability to transcend fads and trends seems to symbolise the aspirations of nightlife culture. It has history and heritage and has attained almost timeless appeal. Fashionable works for a while, but every owner, manager and promoter hopes and strives for one thing ultimately - and that is to be the next classic. Because the classics, while small in number, exist on a plain far superior to fashion. Dotted amongst the sprawling community of one-off wonders that populate the bar world, a few classics really have stood the test of time, riding the cyclical waves to achieve immortal credibility. The Groucho is one of those timeless classics. Through the years it has always been at the top of its game, its members' list comprising the same names that populate the pages of the celebrity press together with the successful and powerful in the world of media.Nowadays, octogenarian founder members sit comfortably alongside young achievers and its long-term future would appear to be set in stone. Embassy is another long-time winner - or more to the point, its ever-present Rock 'n' Roll proprietor, Mark Fuller, who ran the original Embassy twenty years ago with equal success. This most recent incarnation of one of London's most famous clubs, now with a fine dining restaurant that counts among the capital's very best, and glitzy nightclub in the basement, is a rare constant in the oscillating world of the fashionable. Another face that has always been associated with bar and club supremacy is Jake Panayiotou who ran original celebrity hot-spot, Browns for a decade before moving on in its hay-day. His last few years at the helm of the Wellington Club in Knightsbridge have seen the age-old members' club climb to yet new heights. But it's not only members' clubs that can battle through the ages unscathed. Music-led venues such as Medicine Bar in Islington, Bar Rumba, The Cross, Bar Vinyl and The End have all proved their mettle, while the likes of Hanover Grand, The Gardening Club and Iceni have collapsed into the annuls of 'hip' history.So, what is it that sets the one-hit-wonders apart from the immortals? What makes a classic? Three characteristics seem to pump through the veins of all the long-term winners."Quality, choice and adaptability," says Cas, The Groucho's pre-eminent bar manager, as he deftly shakes up cocktails from behind the bar. "You have to offer a quality experience in the drinks, the music, the food and the people. You must give customers what they want and you have to adapt to the times." Subtly underlining the point, my Red Bull silently arrives at the table on its own tray, dressed with a single, perfectly folded napkin.Can staying power really be so simple to achieve? With twenty years of success behind The Groucho, the club is quite an authority on the subject, but it was Darwin who concluded that "the fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting to their environment." Sounds pretty familiar to me and, let's face it, you can't argue with Darwin.HERE TO STAYOur selection of bars that we think will still be doing it in ten years time...MAYFAIR: EmbassyAn all-round club for the all-round socialite, Embassy offers food on a par with Michelin starred restaurants, drinks that are as good as any great cocktail bar, a basement club and a guestlist that could double as a who's who of London. COVENT GARDEN: The End & AKAOne of the capital's most respected dance music venues, with Mr C behind its success. Music is always ahead of its time and drinks are a world away from most dance music venues. KNIGHTSBRIDGE: Wellington ClubWith over 100 years of history, The Wellington has been reborn as an exclusive hangout for the city's hippest. Lounge bar and club rolled into one and popular with the pap's and the press alike. WEST: Woody'sOn the banks of London's longest canal, Woody's has become accepted as the members' bar for the music industry. Three floors of food drink and dance with a collection of the best music and cocktail mixologists in the country. ISLINGTON: Medicine BarIt was the bar that put Islington on the 'credible' map. One of the original DJ bars that has been made a home to the clubbing community of the 1990s. CAMDEN: Bar VinylReputedly the first DJ bar in London, Bar Vinyl combines a record shop with the only bar in Camden really worth its salt. The bar is minuscule, but the offering is enormous and the future is vast. SHOREDITCH: HomeOne of the originators of the Shoreditch movement, Home made its mark before all of the others and continues to hold its own. It has moved from a scraggly basement bar to a slick, but funky cocktail bar and restaurant and continues to define the times. SOHO: The GrouchoA favourite media hangout, The Groucho is like a party in your own front room with the kind of people that anybody would eat their own right arm to have turn up at their party. Now with a more modern bar on the first floor to complement the leather and wood ground floor classic, it is a members' bar that suits all and bound to see in another twenty year term. HOXTON: ZigfridA newcomer to the Hoxton set, Zigfrid is most likely to be here in ten years. Brainchild of leading bar designer, Paul Daly, it appeals to the more creative Hoxtonians and since the district is a hotbed of creativity, it's proving pretty popular. FITZROVIA: SocialA collaboration between bar gurus The Breakfast Group and music gurus, Heavenly Social, this backstreet concrete bunker of a bar offers some of the best DJ-led and live music about. Now with sister venues in Islington and Nottingham, Social is destined for a big future. [EXTRACT] Today here, tomorrow, the bars have a reputation for short-term success. But few have the ability to travel in time and staying on top of game.Ten years ago, I was sitting in the Groucho Club for a late summer night discussing with the now well-known fashion designer, the new wave of drinking culture that surrounds the capital, arguing that London really has never been so exciting. Until then, the drinks were very much a child of the overall experience - the wine was simply white or red wine only beer in a glass of beer and vodka was what painting-separator chosen the bartender to pour . But in the nineties, we were on the cusp of a movement of cocktails. From the New World were making Chardonnay and Shiraz as common as Bordeaux, while the new drinks like Red Bull conceptual seriously shake the market, expanding landscape of people drinking, and challenges us to think about drinking more as a lifestyle. Gradually, what was behind the bar seemed to be taking over the care of the night. People were whispering rumors of late night bars that were open until dawn, where glamorous celebrities rubbed hips with the international jet set in Manhattan and Martinis. They, along with Groucho, were places around the world want to be seen and his popularity seemed untouchable to all but the most cynical.Of course, everything has a lifetime, according cynically: fashion is dead in a season, and a trendy bar - so you do not want to bet the house you would? We concluded that fashion simply can not last and the bars, which are now the subject of winding queues quickly become yesterday's news as drinks were being drunk inside. Of course, in most cases were not far wrong. Mondo, Saint, Titanic, Riki Tik ... all have fallen on the road once you favorite celebrity of his time. Many others have become exclusive listing for excellence in tourism A dreadful tat. The Geneva Sling became the Sea Breeze became Bush became the Vanilla Mojito ... But all is not gloom. Today, ten years hence, I'm back on the leather sofa in the same Groucho himself, and order from the menu of a Red Bull, a drink whose ability to transcend fads and trends seem to symbolize the aspirations of the culture of nightlife. It has history and heritage, and has reached almost timeless appeal. Jobs in fashion for a while, but every owner, manager and developer hopes and strives for one thing ultimately - and that will be the next classic. Due to the classics, while small in number, there is a much higher level of fashion. Dotted among the growing community at one time the wonders that inhabit the world of bars, some classics have really stood the test of time riding the waves to achieve credibility cyclical immortal. The Groucho is one of those classics. Over the years has always been on top of their game, the list of its members ", which includes the same names that populate the pages of celebrity news along with the success and power in the world media.Nowadays , octogenarian founder members sit comfortably alongside Young Achievers and long-term future seems to be immovable. Embassy is another winner from long ago - or rather, the owner always present Rock 'n' Roll, Mark Fuller, who directed the original Embassy twenty years ago with the same success. This latest incarnation of one of the most famous clubs in London, now with a fine dining restaurant from the capital account of the best, and a stunning nightclub in the basement is a constant odd oscillation in the world of fashion . Another aspect that has always been associated with the bar and the supremacy of the club is Jake Panayiotou who directed the original celebrity hot-spot, Browns for a decade before moving in its hay days. His last years at the Wellington Club in Knightsbridge have been climbing the old members' club but new heights. It's not just club members "who can fight through the centuries unscathed. Music-led places such as Medicine Bar in Islington, Bar Rumba, La Cruz, Vinyl Bar and the end, all have proven their worth, while the likes of Hanover Grand, The Iceni Garden Club and have collapsed in the annals of history "hip." So what sets the one-hit-wonders, apart from the immortals? What makes a classic? Three features that make the pump through the veins of all long-term winners. "Quality, variety and adaptability," says CAS Groucho excellence the bar manager, and skillfully shaking cocktails behind the bar. "You have to provide a quality experience in the drinks, music, food and people. You must give customers what they want and need to adapt to the times." Subtly underline the point, my Red Bull goes silent to the table in its own tray, dressed in a single power, neatly folded napkin.Can be really easy to achieve? With twenty years of success behind Groucho, the club is an authority on the subject, but it was Darwin who concluded that "the fittest win at the expense of its rivals, because they manage to adapt to their environment." Sounds very familiar to me and let's face it, you can not argue with STAYOur Darwin.HERE A selection of bars that we believe is still being done in ten years ... MAYFAIR: Embassy comprehensive high society club all year round, the Embassy provides food to the few Michelin star restaurants, the drinks are as good as any great cocktail bar, a basement club and a list of guests who could double as a who's who of London Covent Garden. The purpose and AKAOne of the most respected in the capital of dance music, with Mr. C behind their success. Music is always ahead of his time and the drinks are a world away from most places in the dance music. Knightsbridge ClubWith Wellington over 100 years of history, The Wellington has been reborn as a unique venue for the most fashionable city. Lounge bar and club all in one and popular with the Pap and the press alike. WEST: Woody'sOn the banks of London's longest canal, Woody has become bar members of the music industry. Three floors of food, drink and dance with a collection of the best music mixers and a cocktail in the country. Islington: Medicine Barit bar was placed in the Islington "credible" on the map. One of the first DJ bars has become a community club house of the 1990s. CAMDEN: Bar VinylReputedly the first DJ bar in London, combines Bar Vinyl record store with the only bar in Camden really worthwhile. The bar is tiny, but the offer is enormous and the future is enormous. Shoreditch: HomeOne of the creators of the movement of Shoreditch, home made his mark before all others and continues to hold its own. It has grown from a thin bar in the basement of a spot, but funky cocktail bar and restaurant and continues to define the times. SOHO: The favorite meeting place of the media GrouchoA, Groucho is like a party in your own front room with the kind of people that nobody would eat his own right arm to have to turn up at your party. Now, with a more modern bar on the first floor to complement the classic leather and wood floor is a bar member that fits all and forced to watch in another period of twenty years. HOXTON: ZigfridA newcomer to the set of Hoxton, Zigfrid is more likely to be here in ten years. Creating the main bar designer, Paul Daly, appeals to the more creative Hoxtonians and from the neighborhood is a hotbed of creativity, is proving quite popular. Fitzrovia: Collaboration between Social gurus breakfast bar Group and music gurus, Heavenly Social, the concrete bunker of a speakeasy offers some of the best DJ led and live music around. Now, with the sister sites of Islington and Nottingham Social is for a great future.
Wayside Gardens: There are Stories to be Told: Start a Family Tradition

Advise all who will be attending that there will be an opportunity to tell some stories about the family, and let them know you'd love to hear them share something. Especially encourage older ones to think about their children when they were young, their own childhood, or even stories they may remember from their parents. With only a little effort, you can be hearing about things that happened over a century ago.
Have some questions prepared to start the ball rolling. "Where did your family go on vacation when your children were small?" "How did you and Grandpa meet?" "What's the funniest thing one of your children ever did?" "How did you manage through tough times?"
Encourage storytellers to use descriptions that will engage all of the senses. Was the thunder rolling in the distance just before the downpour when Grandma and Grandpa bumped into each other running for cover? Did the scent of the lilacs in Aunt Ellen's garden waft in through her kitchen window? Was there a cool breeze on the beach near the family vacation campsite? Did the sun sparkle off the snow on the mid-winter drive to Uncle Max's? Was the strawberry jam your mom made the sweetest you ever tasted? Use touch, smell and taste as well as sight and sound to bring the scene to life for listeners.
The best stories have a point. "That's when I first learned how important it is to be on time." "If it hadn't rained that day, we might never have met, and most of you would never have been born!" It doesn't have to be profound, but be prepared to help your tellers wrap up their stories with a short statement of its significance.
Get the younger ones involved too -- perhaps you can encourage them to be official family historians who will record the stories. If there's a group, give them papers and drawing materials and ask them to make pictures of the scenes they will hear unfold. You can have the older ones label the drawings and then gather them together with ribbon. Each family can take home their personal family album.
If there are old photographs that support an account, or a time period, mount these in archive quality materials and display them in a shady spot or pass them around while the story is being told. Use other mementos as well. Your great-grandfather's railroad watch that he wore to work every day for 45 years, or a playbill from your first date will help bring life to the accounts of those special times.
So gather your loved ones on your porch or patio and make some memories while you start a storytelling tradition [EXTRACT] One of the most rewarding ways to use your outdoor space is to bring family members for a meeting. It may be a small group that meets annually, or a large one, whose vast members attend every two or five or even 10 years. Whether large or small, a meeting is a wonderful opportunity for families closer to point through sharing stories.In very underrated 1990 film Avalon, a Russian immigrant of 1940 the United States refers to the disintegration of the bonds his family. In his youth, his children gathered at the feet of their older relatives at family gatherings and listened to stories of their heritage and history. As television took over the company in the late 50's, kids and adults alike opted for the entertainment of television characters, rather than the stories of their roots. But as the art of listening to stories has gone astray, so has the art of counting. That's like starting a tradition of storytelling in a family reunion. We advise all who will attend there will be an opportunity to tell stories about the family and let them know you'd like to hear something to share. Especially encouraging older people to think about their children when they were small, their own childhood, or stories they can remember their parents. With a little effort, you can learn about things that happened a century ago. Have a question ready to start the ball rolling. "Where did your family go on vacation when her children were young?" "How and grandma?" "What is the funniest thing your child ever did?" "How did you manage through difficult times?" Encourage tellers to use descriptions that involve all the senses. It was the thunder in the distance just before the rain when the grandmother and grandfather bumped into each other to cover running? Does the scent of lilac in the garden of Aunt Elena float through your kitchen window? Had a cool breeze on the beach near the camping family vacation? The sun shone on the snow in the unity of the middle of winter with Uncle Max? Strawberry jam was your mom made sweeter than ever tasted? Using touch, smell and taste and sight and sound to the scene of life for listeners. The best stories have a point. "That's when I learned how important it is to arrive on time." "If it had not rained that day may never have met, and most of you never been born! "There has to be deep, but be prepared to help their cash to complete their stories with a brief discussion of its meaning. Get involved younger too - maybe you can encourage them to be official historians of the family to write the stories. If a group, give them paper and drawing materials and ask them to take pictures of the scenes they will hear unfold. You can have the label of the oldest in the drawings and then meet with the tape. Every family can take home their personal and family album. If there are old photographs that support a bill, or a period of time, mount these files with quality materials and displays them in a shady spot or moves around while the story is being told. Use other memories too. See his great-grandfather was rail to work every day for 45 years, or a hand program your first appointment will help to give life to the accounts of those special moments. So gather your loved ones on the porch or patio and make some memories as a narrative tradition begins
Wayside Gardens: A Purpose-Filled Life Requires Solid Foundations

Wayside Gardens: Herbal Programs Today
Find Herbal programs in the United States and Canada. While it may seem bizarre to some to enroll in herbal programs, you might be surprised on what all you can learn in one of these comprehensive and complementary healthcare programs. Believe it or not, there are a growing number of herbal medicine courses sweeping the Nation and many of these career-training programs are enhancing both conventional medicine and natural healing practices.In typical herbal courses, students will be introduced to the fascinating world of herbs and how these natural plants are making a medical comeback in self-healing and natural healthcare therapies. For example, did you know that there are several common weeds we normally might toss to the wayside, just to find out that they are actually edible? Well, in any one of a number of herbal studies, be prepared to learn how to identify edible and healing plants, how to harvest; how to prepare home remedies, tinctures and teas; create natural fragrances for aromatherapy, and the basics of pharmacology and preventive medicine.While some herbal programs cover smaller numbers of medicinal plants, some courses teach students about 170+ healing plants and herbs. In addition to learning about botanical medicine, Bach Flower remedies, and other herbology essentials, future natural healers learn how to properly dose herbal medicine, and common interactions of these natural medicines when coupled with conventional drugs.Iridologists may find classes in herbology especially helpful, as often times these holistic healthcare practitioners counsel clients on particular supplements and herbal remedies that might be helpful in healing. Other practitioners that stand to benefit from herbal programs might be chiropractic doctors, or naturopathic doctors; both of whom are usually introduced to nutritional basics and values of herbs and other botanical medicines.Furthermore, it is the common practice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine schools to integrate herbology programs into their curricula. A matter of fact, almost all Oriental medicine programs involve both Eastern and Western herbal medicine studies.For the avid gardener, there are introductory herbal programs as well. Frequently provided through holistic seminars and workshops, home gardening is not only popular but amazingly enough, many herbalists got their professional start in herbal medicine as a home gardener or farmer.If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding herbal programs, let professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore herbal programs [http://school.holisticjunction.com/clickcount.php?id=6634739&goto=http://www.holisticjunction.com/search.cfm] near you.Herbal Programs Today© Copyright 2007The CollegeBound NetworkAll Rights ReservedNOTICE: Article(s) may be republished free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active. [EXTRACT] Find herbal programs in the United States and Canada. While it may seem strange to some to enroll in herbal programs, you may be surprised what you can learn all of these programs in holistic health and complementary. Believe it or not, there are an increasing number of courses in herbal medicine is sweeping the nation and many of these training programs, are the improvement of conventional medicine and natural healing herbal dishes practices.In Typically, students will be introduced to the fascinating world of herbs and how these natural plants are making a comeback in medicine at the self-healing and natural health therapies. For example, did you know that there are several common weeds that would normally throw by the wayside, only to discover that they are actually edible? Well, in any of a number of herbal studies, be prepared to learn to identify edible and medicinal plants, such as harvesting, how to prepare home remedies, tinctures and teas, creating natural fragrances for aromatherapy, and the foundations of pharmacology and prevention medicine.While some herbal programs cover a smaller number of medicinal plants, some courses teach students about 170 medicinal plants and herbs +. In addition to learning about herbal medicine, Bach flower remedies, herbal and other essentials, the future of natural healers learn to medicine proper dose for herbal and common interactions of these natural medicines when combined with drugs. Conventional Iridologists herbology classes can be found especially useful, as often these holistic health professionals advise clients on particular supplements and herbal remedies that may be useful in healing. Other professionals who benefit from the herbal programs can be doctors, chiropractors and naturopathic doctors, both of which are usually introduced to basic nutrition principles and values of herbs and other botanical medicines. It is also common practice of acupuncture and Oriental medicine schools to integrate herbal programs in their curricula. In fact, almost all oriental medicine programs studies.For involve both Eastern and Western herbs avid gardener, there are programs of introduction to herbal too. Often provided through seminars and holistic workshops, home gardening is not only popular, but surprisingly enough, many herbal practitioners began herbal medicine as a home gardener or farmer.If you (or someone you know) are interested in finding herbal programs that professional training within fast-growing industries like massage therapy, cosmetology, acupuncture, oriental medicine, Reiki, and others get you started! Explore the herbal programs near Programs Today © Copyright 2007The you.Herbal NetworkAll CollegeBound ReservedNOTICE Rights: Article (s) can publish free of charge to relevant websites, as long as Copyright and Author Resource Box are included; and ALL Hyperlinks REMAIN intact and active.
Wayside Gardens: Herbal Adventures - The Artemisia Genus
Green blessings surround us. Herbal medicine is people's medicine: free, simple, and accessible. Connect with the plants and you'll find yourself in love with the earth and your own wild nature. You don't need human language to learn about plants; when you live with the plants, they speak to you in your dreams and whisper in your womb.But language and words are useful tools. Everyone, no matter what their mother tongue, uses the same plant language: the botanical or, more simply, the scientific names.Scientific names may seem daunting, but your effort will be repaid a hundredfold. Plants in the same family often have very similar properties, allowing you to learn how to use hundreds of plants as quickly as learning how to use one.The Asteraceae family, like all plant families, is sub-divided into groups called genera (plural). Each genus (singular) contains plants that are closely related, and usually interchangeable in use, though individually different. Each individual plant in a genus has the same first name, but a different second or species name. For instance, the genus Echinacea in the Asteraceae family includes E. pallida, E. purpurea, and E. augustifolia, all of which are powerful anti-infective agents.Among the many genera in the Asteraceae family, one of my favorites is the Artemisia genus, named after the goddess Artemis. It contains many marvelously-aromatic, highly-medicinal, dazzlingly-decorative, safely-psychedelic, and more-or-less edible plants. Found in gardens, waysides, and waste lots throughout the world, there's probably an Artemisia growing near you.Artemis is Apollo's sister, and Queen of the witches. She is the goddess of the moon, the herbalist, the midwife, the birthing woman, and the hunter. Artemis is an untamed wild woman who runs free with the deer and the hounds. She is the woman who runs with the wolves. She is "Mother of all Creatures". "Leader of the Sacred Bitches". "Great She-Bear". She is owned by no man, and thus she is "Forever Virgin". And the plants named after her share her qualities.If you see an Artemisia growing beside the door - or painted on it - you've arrived at the home of an herbalist or a midwife, a home guarded by Artemis.The silver light of Artemis' moon shines from the leaves of her plants, making them appear to be lightly frosted, or to glow subtly. Most Artemisias are perennials that are tolerant of drought, poor soil, and extremes of heat and cold, making them ideal allies for even the most novice of gardeners. Artemisias grow best from cuttings, or transplants, not seeds, with the exception of A. annua, Sweet Annie, which lives one year only and is grown from seed.Artemisias produce hundreds of different aromatic oils, including camphor and thujone. This keeps them bug-free and provides us with medicines. Aromatic oils in fresh Artemisias may be extracted into vinegar, vodka, or fat such as olive oil and used externally to counter bacterial and fungal infections, and internally to prevent or cure digestive parasites in wo/man and beast. Small doses are said to improve appetite and digestion.Dried Artemisias retain these oils and are frequently used to make long-lasting, aromatic bouquets, wreaths, and swags, as well as dream pillows, sachets, and magical charms. When dirt floors were common, Artemisias were popular as strewing herbs. And don't forget that all Artemisias are useful as smudges. Sagebrush, A. tridentata is the most famous of all smudges, but, for a change, try cronewort (A. vulgaris), the ally of dreamers.Many books call Artemisia vulgaris "mugwort", a name she despises. "I give you the dreams of wise old women," she told me, "not the drunken fantasies of those with their noses in mugs. Can't you see my silver hair on the underside of every leaf?"Tincture, vinegar (my favorite), or even a tea of cronewort can tonify and improve the urinary, digestive, hormonal, nervous, and circulatory systems. "I'm everything an old woman wants," she confides with a smile. "I comfort those who grieve; I stir those who are depressed. I remove irritability and ease burdened joints. I bring peace and sleep, rest and reassurance."Cronewort is also beloved by midwives for easing the pain of labor, quelling menstrual cramps, and effectively treating heavy bleeding and other uterine complaints. And don't forget her "supernatural" powers! This most common (that's what "vulgaris" means) Artemisia is a powerful witch who will spin a spiraling spell for you - if you ask her nicely.Wormwood (A. absinthium) is perhaps the best known member of this genus. It is the strongest and most dangerous of the Artemisias. As the main ingredient in the mind-altering liquor absinthe, it stimulates mid-brain activity and increases creativity. (Repeated use disturbs the central nervous system, however; and overuse can lower seizure thresholds.) Herbalists like myself use tincture of fresh wormwood, 3-5 drops taken frequently throughout the day, to prevent giardia, dysentery, amoebas, and other parasitical infections. This bitter, bitter tincture is also useful to ease indigestion, improve liver function, and stimulate production of bile.Sweet Annie (A. annua), known in China as qing hao, is becoming quite the star these days. Dried and used in large daily doses, this Artemisia can prevent malaria. Drug companies hope to isolate the active ingredient and produce a drug that will even cure malarias resistant to current drugs.Invite Artemis into your garden - or meet her in the wild places she loves. Open your heart, your head, and your womb to her. Invite her sexy beautiful green magic into your circle. It's easy and fun.SOME ARTEMISIA SPECIES BELOVED BY HERBALISTS AND GARDENERSA. abrotanum (southernwood) - divinatory
A. absinthium (wormwood) - medicinal
A. afra (African wormwood) - beauty
A. annua (sweet Annie, qing hao) - medicinal
A. camphorata (camphor-scented sothernwood) - divinatory
A. chinensis (moxa) - medicinal
A. drancuncula (tarragon, little dragon) - cook's favorite
A. frigida (fringed sagebrush) - smudge
A. lactiflora (ghost plant) - beauty
A. ludoviciana (silver queen) - beauty
A. pontica (Roman wormwood) - beauty
A. schmidtiana (silver mound) - beauty
A. stellerana (old woman, dusty miller) - beauty
A. tridentata (three-toothed sagebrush) - smudge
A. vulgaris (cronewort, mugwort) - magic and medicineLegal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material in this article is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion. [EXTRACT] Green Blessings surround us. Herbal medicine is the medicine of the people: free, easy and accessible. Connect with the plants and you're in love with the land and its wild nature. No human language is necessary to learn about plants, and living with the plants, they speak to you in a dream and whisper in your language womb.But and words are useful tools. Everyone, regardless of language, uses the language of the same plant: botany, or, more simply, names.Scientific scientific names may seem daunting, but your effort will be returned with a vengeance. The plants of the same family often have similar properties, allowing you to learn how to use hundreds of plants as soon as learning to use one.The family Asteraceae, like all plant families, are divided into groups called genera (in plural). Each genre (singular) contains plants that are closely related, and generally interchangeable in use, although individually different. Each plant in a genus has the same name, but a second or different species name. For example, echinacea genus in the family Asteraceae includes E. pallida, E. purpurea, E. and augustifolia, all of which are powerful anti-infective agents.Among the many genera of the family Asteraceae, one of my favorites is the genus Artemisia, the name of the goddess Artemis. It contains many wonderfully aromatic, highly medicinal, dazzling, decorative, safe-psychedelic, and more or less edible plants. They are found in gardens, roadsides, and waste a lot around the world, is likely to be a growth near you.Artemis Artemisia is the sister of Apollo, and the queen of witches. She is the goddess of the moon, the herbalist, the midwife, the mother, and the hunter. Artemis is an indomitable woman who runs freely with wild deer and dogs. She is the woman who runs with wolves. She is "Mother of all creatures." "Leader of Sacred bitches." "Great Bear". She is owned by no man, and therefore it is "ever-virgin." And the plants share the name Artemisia qualities.If see a growing next to the door - or painted on it - you've come to the house of an herbalist or midwife, a house guarded by the silver light Artemis.The Artemis' Moon shines on the leaves of your plants, so they appear to be slightly subtle matte or gloss. Artemisia Most are perennials that are tolerant to drought, poor soils and extremes of heat and cold, the Allies ideal for even the most novice of gardeners. Artemisia grow best from cuttings, or transplants, not seeds, with the exception of A. annua, wormwood, who lives only a year and grows from seed. Artemisia produce hundreds of different aromatic oils, including camphor and thujone. This keeps them free of errors and provides medicines. Artemisia aromatic oils can be extracted fresh vinegar, vodka, or fat such as olive oil and used externally to deal with bacterial and fungal infections, and internally to prevent or treat gastrointestinal parasites in wo / man and beast. Small doses are said to improve appetite and Artemisia digestion.Dried keep these oils are often used for long-lasting, fragrant flowers, wreaths, garlands and dream pillows, sachets, and magic spells . When dirt floors are common, were popular as spreading Artemisia herbs. And do not forget that all are useful as Artemisia stains. Artemis, A. tridentata is the most famous of all the spots, but for a change, try cronewort (A. vulgaris), the ally of books called Artemisia vulgaris dreamers.Many "sage," a name she despises. "I give you dreams of the old wise women," he said, "not the fantasies of drunken with their noses in the cups. Do not you see my hair black at the bottom of each page?" Tincture, vinegar ( my favorite), or even a cronewort tea can tone and improve urinary, digestive, nervous, hormonal, and circulatory systems. "I'm all that an old woman wants," he confesses with a smile. "I comfort those who cry, I mix those who are depressed. I can relieve irritability and remove the loaded joints. I bring peace and sleep, rest and tranquility. " Cronewort is also intended by midwives to relieve labor pain, suppress menstrual cramps, and effective treatment of uterine bleeding and other problems. And do not forget your "supernatural" powers! The most common (that is "vulgar" terms) Artemisia is a powerful witch spiral will spin a spell for you -. if you ask your nicely.Wormwood (A. absinthium) is perhaps the best known member of this genus is the strongest and most dangerous of Artemisia. As the main ingredient in mind-altering absinthe liquor, which stimulates brain activity mid and increases creativity. (The repeated use disturbs the central nervous system, however, and excessive use may lower seizure threshold.) Herbalists as I use sweet wormwood tincture, 3-5 drops taken frequently throughout the day to prevent giardia , dysentery, amoebas, parasites and other infections. This tincture bitter, bitter is also useful to relieve indigestion, improve liver function and stimulate the production of Annie bile.Sweet (A. annua), known in China as qing hao, is becoming quite the star these days. Dried and used in large doses daily, this can prevent malaria Artemisia. Pharmaceutical companies hope to isolate the active ingredient and produce a drug that cures even the current resistant malaria drugs.Invite Artemis in your garden - or meet her in the wild places he loves. Open your heart, your head and her belly. Invite your green magic sexy and beautiful in their circle. Artemisia species is easy and fun.SOME loved by herbalists and gardeners. abrotanum (wormwood) - divinatory A. absinthium (wormwood) - medicinal A. afra (African wormwood) - Beauty A. annua (wormwood, qing hao) - medicinal A. camphorata (camphor-scented sothernwood) - divinatory A. chinensis (moxa) - medicinal A. drancuncula (tarragon, the little dragon) - Favorite Chef A. frigida (fringed sagebrush) - patch A. lactiflora (ghost plant) - Beauty A. ludoviciana (Silver Queen) - Beauty A. pontica (Roman wormwood) - Beauty A. schmidtiana (silver mound) - Beauty A. stellerana (old, cineraria) - Beauty A. tridentata (sagebrush three teeth) - patch A. vulgaris (cronewort, mugwort) - magic and medicineLegal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. The suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal and addresses must be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified health professional with a specific formula for you. All material in this article are provided for general informational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice or consultation. Contact a health professional reputation if you are in need of medical attention. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.
A. absinthium (wormwood) - medicinal
A. afra (African wormwood) - beauty
A. annua (sweet Annie, qing hao) - medicinal
A. camphorata (camphor-scented sothernwood) - divinatory
A. chinensis (moxa) - medicinal
A. drancuncula (tarragon, little dragon) - cook's favorite
A. frigida (fringed sagebrush) - smudge
A. lactiflora (ghost plant) - beauty
A. ludoviciana (silver queen) - beauty
A. pontica (Roman wormwood) - beauty
A. schmidtiana (silver mound) - beauty
A. stellerana (old woman, dusty miller) - beauty
A. tridentata (three-toothed sagebrush) - smudge
A. vulgaris (cronewort, mugwort) - magic and medicineLegal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material in this article is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion. [EXTRACT] Green Blessings surround us. Herbal medicine is the medicine of the people: free, easy and accessible. Connect with the plants and you're in love with the land and its wild nature. No human language is necessary to learn about plants, and living with the plants, they speak to you in a dream and whisper in your language womb.But and words are useful tools. Everyone, regardless of language, uses the language of the same plant: botany, or, more simply, names.Scientific scientific names may seem daunting, but your effort will be returned with a vengeance. The plants of the same family often have similar properties, allowing you to learn how to use hundreds of plants as soon as learning to use one.The family Asteraceae, like all plant families, are divided into groups called genera (in plural). Each genre (singular) contains plants that are closely related, and generally interchangeable in use, although individually different. Each plant in a genus has the same name, but a second or different species name. For example, echinacea genus in the family Asteraceae includes E. pallida, E. purpurea, E. and augustifolia, all of which are powerful anti-infective agents.Among the many genera of the family Asteraceae, one of my favorites is the genus Artemisia, the name of the goddess Artemis. It contains many wonderfully aromatic, highly medicinal, dazzling, decorative, safe-psychedelic, and more or less edible plants. They are found in gardens, roadsides, and waste a lot around the world, is likely to be a growth near you.Artemis Artemisia is the sister of Apollo, and the queen of witches. She is the goddess of the moon, the herbalist, the midwife, the mother, and the hunter. Artemis is an indomitable woman who runs freely with wild deer and dogs. She is the woman who runs with wolves. She is "Mother of all creatures." "Leader of Sacred bitches." "Great Bear". She is owned by no man, and therefore it is "ever-virgin." And the plants share the name Artemisia qualities.If see a growing next to the door - or painted on it - you've come to the house of an herbalist or midwife, a house guarded by the silver light Artemis.The Artemis' Moon shines on the leaves of your plants, so they appear to be slightly subtle matte or gloss. Artemisia Most are perennials that are tolerant to drought, poor soils and extremes of heat and cold, the Allies ideal for even the most novice of gardeners. Artemisia grow best from cuttings, or transplants, not seeds, with the exception of A. annua, wormwood, who lives only a year and grows from seed. Artemisia produce hundreds of different aromatic oils, including camphor and thujone. This keeps them free of errors and provides medicines. Artemisia aromatic oils can be extracted fresh vinegar, vodka, or fat such as olive oil and used externally to deal with bacterial and fungal infections, and internally to prevent or treat gastrointestinal parasites in wo / man and beast. Small doses are said to improve appetite and Artemisia digestion.Dried keep these oils are often used for long-lasting, fragrant flowers, wreaths, garlands and dream pillows, sachets, and magic spells . When dirt floors are common, were popular as spreading Artemisia herbs. And do not forget that all are useful as Artemisia stains. Artemis, A. tridentata is the most famous of all the spots, but for a change, try cronewort (A. vulgaris), the ally of books called Artemisia vulgaris dreamers.Many "sage," a name she despises. "I give you dreams of the old wise women," he said, "not the fantasies of drunken with their noses in the cups. Do not you see my hair black at the bottom of each page?" Tincture, vinegar ( my favorite), or even a cronewort tea can tone and improve urinary, digestive, nervous, hormonal, and circulatory systems. "I'm all that an old woman wants," he confesses with a smile. "I comfort those who cry, I mix those who are depressed. I can relieve irritability and remove the loaded joints. I bring peace and sleep, rest and tranquility. " Cronewort is also intended by midwives to relieve labor pain, suppress menstrual cramps, and effective treatment of uterine bleeding and other problems. And do not forget your "supernatural" powers! The most common (that is "vulgar" terms) Artemisia is a powerful witch spiral will spin a spell for you -. if you ask your nicely.Wormwood (A. absinthium) is perhaps the best known member of this genus is the strongest and most dangerous of Artemisia. As the main ingredient in mind-altering absinthe liquor, which stimulates brain activity mid and increases creativity. (The repeated use disturbs the central nervous system, however, and excessive use may lower seizure threshold.) Herbalists as I use sweet wormwood tincture, 3-5 drops taken frequently throughout the day to prevent giardia , dysentery, amoebas, parasites and other infections. This tincture bitter, bitter is also useful to relieve indigestion, improve liver function and stimulate the production of Annie bile.Sweet (A. annua), known in China as qing hao, is becoming quite the star these days. Dried and used in large doses daily, this can prevent malaria Artemisia. Pharmaceutical companies hope to isolate the active ingredient and produce a drug that cures even the current resistant malaria drugs.Invite Artemis in your garden - or meet her in the wild places he loves. Open your heart, your head and her belly. Invite your green magic sexy and beautiful in their circle. Artemisia species is easy and fun.SOME loved by herbalists and gardeners. abrotanum (wormwood) - divinatory A. absinthium (wormwood) - medicinal A. afra (African wormwood) - Beauty A. annua (wormwood, qing hao) - medicinal A. camphorata (camphor-scented sothernwood) - divinatory A. chinensis (moxa) - medicinal A. drancuncula (tarragon, the little dragon) - Favorite Chef A. frigida (fringed sagebrush) - patch A. lactiflora (ghost plant) - Beauty A. ludoviciana (Silver Queen) - Beauty A. pontica (Roman wormwood) - Beauty A. schmidtiana (silver mound) - Beauty A. stellerana (old, cineraria) - Beauty A. tridentata (sagebrush three teeth) - patch A. vulgaris (cronewort, mugwort) - magic and medicineLegal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. The suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal and addresses must be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified health professional with a specific formula for you. All material in this article are provided for general informational purposes and should not be considered as medical advice or consultation. Contact a health professional reputation if you are in need of medical attention. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.
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