Waysidegarden:Passiflora 'Sherry': The Best Passionflower For Containers

"Sherry", Passiflora is the first in a series of serious Dark Horse passion-flower, are imported into the ER This beautiful deep red passion flower vine is particularly important for this compact variety containers.The gone up more than 4-6 feet, which makes a perfect complement for your container garden.

This shrub is resistant to tropical zones 8-11. Move it into a sunny window before first frost, if you live north of Zone 8, then back out after the frost last spring, to enjoy for another season. They have a wealth of exotic, showy flowers all summer. Visitors will be attracted by the flowers of a deep red, and so butterflies. One of our favorite plants now, and rightly so. "Sherry," The passion is impressive addition to any garden. If you are unfamiliar with the flowers of passion, Sherry is an excellent introduction to the genre is - with the exception of one of the most beautiful flowers on the market, it is compact and easy to maintain!.