Wayside Gardens: Separating The Darkness Part One, A Prayer Of Supplication And Declaration

Lord, You are my restoration and my portion in all things. You restore every waste place in my life and make them beautiful reflections of who You are. Nothing is out of reach of Your redeeming and restoring love.Today I need Your light in the midst of my dark places...in the midst of every area in need of restoration. I invite you to come and do whatever it takes...and impart whatever I need to reflect who You are in me. I acknowledge the value You have placed on me and agree with You that I am indeed treasure in an earthen vessel. Hover over my earthen vessel as you hovered over the earth and make all things new. I close my eyes and I can see You hovering over me. I can feel the breath of Your Spirit moving across me and into the recesses of my mind. Touch every hidden subconscious thought which does not line up with Your Word and what You have declared me to be.As I sit in Your presence I will absorb every portion of Your being. I will absorb every truth and Word you speak to me. Come and penetrate the deepest places of my heart and mind. Penetrate to the very internal subconscious regions of my thinking from whence actions come. . In Your presence I am renewed...I am restored. Right now...this very moment...I declare that darkness is fleeing and Your light has come for Your mercies are new every morning...every moment. Your grace is all sufficient for the restoration of my entire being.You inject me with pure light through the Living Word. Every Word I read and every Word You speak is transferring me in to a new season of life and sonship. One by one each hindrance is falling away for the dominos have been pushed. I declare that I am entering a new season of reformation and change.Therefore, expose every work of the enemy and You will bring destruction to the enemy's plans of darkness (Deuteronomy 34:27). I posture myself in Your presence and in Your Word. As I do this, come and hover over me. Let me hear Your breath inhale the darkness and exhale the light. I receive Your all sufficient grace and mercy. With faith and expectancy I breathe You in.Lord, what seems like small steps to me has brought You joy. Forgive me for being so hard on myself when You are so pleased. What I cannot see, You can. You already see the victory. You already see and call me a victor. Time is of no matter to You. Teach me to love the process and enjoy going through it with You. Give me Your perspective on process and time. How I want Your heart in reference to patience and time.I will grab a hold of Your word for it is truth and life to me. It is Light. I receive wisdom to walk as a king and priest...to function as Your ambassador with full authority and anointing. I agree with You and declare that my life is a place of Eden in this earth and an oasis for those in need. I am fruitful and I do multiply according to Your promise...according to Your Word. Perfect order is coming to my life and to my way of thinking. My mind is renewed in You by the power of Your Word and I am clothed in Your righteousness.Lord, You have clothed me in Your righteousness and I am seated with You far above all hindering foes and powers of destruction. You are my strength...my Strong tower...my ever flowing fountain of Life and Light. I see You for You are with me and in me. I am Your watered garden, an Eden of abundant fruit and provision to the world around me.I look at my life and actions sometimes and wonder how I can be made in Your image. Yet, You say I am. Therefore; I choose to agree with You and thereby, enable myself to walk in all You say I can and will. I am Your representative in and on Earth. I am a living example of Your image to those around me...an oasis to the needy and hurting. My focus is on You and You alone.I tell my heart to be of good courage and to have faith. I break agreement with any lie to the contrary, lies forming a smoke screen aimed at fooling me in to believing otherwise. I break all covenants with guilt and shame. Instead, I embrace conviction by Holy Spirit and receive the freedom and liberty given to me by the blood of Christ.Stir my heart to remember all the good things You have accomplished in and through me. This is not pride, but it is Your testimony in my life and has power to engender faith, hope and love. Stir me to remember all the times I have overcome by faith and endured until times of victory and I will be encouraged. Yes, stir me to remember who I am in You.For, when I abdicate who You say I am, not only do I loose, but all those around me loose. I take the dominion You gave Your life for and I choose to walk in it by faith. I tell shame and guilt to flee, for I am walking in complete grace and forgiveness. Today is a new day of light and revelation. There is no time to waste on petty self-incriminations. I choose to forgive and let all inadequacies fall by the wayside as I embrace the Light of Your Word. I am Your representative. I am Your plan. Thank you for choosing me.Lord, forgive me for every time I have gotten ahead of Your timing-for not building one day at a time because of fear or worry. When I do this I am hard on myself and feel I have failed in some way. Teach me to rely on the conviction of Holy Spirit with complete trust in the fact that Your kindness leads to repentance. Wash me with the cleansing power of Your Word each and every time I read or hear it. Water ever seed of Eden within my heart and enable me to flourish in practical ways into the oasis you say I am.Continue to separate all darkness...all dark thoughts of failure and bathe me in Your light. Teach me to move with Your flow in order for things in my life to function properly according to Your purpose. Every house needs the right foundation. Separating light from darkness in my life builds a good foundation on which to operate from. Substance, the fulfillment of dreams and a confident heart become my portions.Lord, once again I give You the hidden places of my heart where insecurities abound. I give them to You, and I move on. I can see the Jordan and I know the ark of Your presence in my life will move me across on dry ground. I will agree with You and say, "I am Your living example." I ride with you and call You, Abba Father. Amen [EXTRACT] Lord, You are my recovery and my portion in all things. Restore all waste places in my life and make beautiful reflections of who you are. Nothing is beyond the scope of redemption and restoration of love.Today need your light in my dark places ... among all the areas that need restoration. I invite you to come and do whatever ... and disseminate what they have to reflect who you are in me. I recognize the value you placed in me and I agree with you that I am actually a treasure in an earthen vessel. Hover over my crock as it hovered over the earth and make all things new. I close my eyes and I see that hanging over me. I can feel the breath of his spirit moving through me and in the recesses of my mind. Touch each hidden subconscious mind does not align with his word and what I have said be. As I sit in your presence I will absorb every part of your being. I will absorb all the truth and the word you're talking about. Come and penetrate the deepest of my heart and mind. Penetrate the subconscious regions very inside of my way of thinking where they come from the actions. . In your presence I'm new ... I am restored. At this time ... right now ... I certify that the darkness is run and your light has come for your mercies are new every morning ... each time. His grace is sufficient for the restoration of my being.You all injected me with the pure light through the Living Word. I read every word and every word you say I are transferring to a new season of life, and parentage. One by one each obstacle is the apostasy of the dominoes have been pushed. I declare that I am entering a new period of reform and change. Therefore, it all works to expose the enemy and bring destruction to the enemy's plans of Darkness (Deuteronomy 34:27). I myself the position of his presence and his word. In doing so, come and hover over me. Let me hear your breath inhaling and exhaling darkness to light. I get enough Your grace and mercy to all. With faith and hope that you breathe in.Lord, which seems to be gradually brought me joy. Forgive me for being so hard on myself when you're so happy. What you can not see, you can. You see the victory. You see and call me a winner. Time has no importance to you. Teach me to love and enjoy the process of going through it with you. Give your views on the process and time. How do I want your heart, referring to the patience and the time.I have to hold on to your word, because it is the truth and the life for me. This is the Light. I can receive the wisdom to walk like a king and a priest ... to act as its ambassador with full authority and anointing. I agree with you, I declare that my life is a place of Eden on earth and an oasis for those who need it. I am fruitful and multiply according to his promise ... according to your word. Perfect order comes into my life and my way of thinking. My mind is renewed in you by the power of your words and I'm dressed in righteousness.Lord, you clothed me with your justice, and I'm sitting with you far above all the enemies that hinder and destructive power. You are my strength ... my strength ... my ever-flowing source of life and light. I see thou art with me and in me. I am your well-watered garden, an Eden of plenty of fruits and the provision for the world around me.I look at my life and actions sometimes and wonder how you can do to your image. However, Thou sayest that I am. Therefore, I choose to agree with you and, therefore, allow me to walk in all you say I can and will. I am your representative and on Earth. I am a living example of its image to those around me ... an oasis for the needy and the suffering. My focus is on you and you alone.I tell my heart to be in good spirits and have faith. Break according to any lie to the contrary, is forming a smokescreen to fool me to believe otherwise. I break all agreements with the guilt and shame. Instead, I embrace the conviction by the Holy Spirit and receive the freedom and the freedom it gave me the blood of my heart Christ.Stir to remember all the good things he has accomplished in and through me. This is not pride, but his testimony in my life and has the power of faith begets hope and love. Stir me to remember all the times I have overcome by faith and remained until the time of victory and will be encouraged. Yes, I stir to remember who I am You.For when abdicate that say I am, I not only loose, but we all lose those around me. I can take the domain you gave your life and I choose to walk in Him by faith. I say to the shame and guilt to flee, because I'm walking in grace and complete forgiveness. Today is a new day of light and revelation. No time to waste on petty indictments. I choose to forgive and let all remaining shortcomings in the way as I embrace the light of your word. I am their representative. I am your plan. Thank you for choosing me.Lord, forgive me for every time I come ahead of his time-not to build a day at a time for fear or worry. When I do this I am hard on myself and feel I have failed in some way. Teach me to trust the Holy Spirit's conviction, with full confidence in the fact that his goodness leads to repentance. Wash me with the cleansing power of your words each and every time I read or hear it. Of water every time Eden seed in my heart and allow me to flourish in a practical way to say am.Continue oasis to separate all the darkness ... all dark thoughts of failure and bathing in your light. Teach me to move with the flow so that things in my life to work correctly according to His purpose. Every home needs the right foundation. The separation of light from the darkness in my life is based upon a good foundation on which to operate. Substance, the realization of dreams and a trusting heart become my portions.Lord, again, I give you the hidden places of my heart, where uncertainties abound. I give to you, and move on. I can see the Jordan and the ark of your presence in my life that move across dry land. I agree with you and say, "I am your example of life." ¿I can go with you and call you, Abba Father. Amen