Wayside Gardens: Success Coaching On a Budget

Professional Life Coaching is more widely accepted in our society than ever before as a positive and even necessary phenomenon in our ongoing quest for happier, healthier and wealthier lives.Perhaps the greatest paradox with professional success coaching is that those that need it most are often the least able to afford it, and those that can afford it readily are already achieving a substantial level of success in their lives.Without a doubt a good coach can offer perspectives and accountability to us that we rarely find when depending on our own resources, however many of the advantages of coaching can be obtained by those unable to afford coaching.If you are unable to afford a proffessional coaching service, there is still undoubtable benefit to be had through the regular listening reading and watching of positive success education materials, and deliberate association with successful and positive people.Begin with reading:All of us have different levels of spare time, different reading speeds and differing levels of enjoyment of reading and consequently our ability to read will vary greatly.As a guideline those of use with the greatest restrictions should read a minimum of 15 minutes per day of something in your chosen field of endeavour, or in the general fields of positive mental attitude, people skills, or personal development.Those of us with more spare time, or greater enjoyment of reading should endeavour to do as much as an hour a day of relevant reading.There are several ways of obtaining appropriate books, the cheapest of which is probably your local library.Follow this with Listening/Watching.The key to fitting listening/watching of positive educational audio TV, and videos is to use your downtime, If you commute to work, then listen to your audios on the train or whilst you drive, watch a positive educational tv program or video rather than the news or a sitcom.If you calculate the hours spent driving or riding public transport and watching TV, You will be surprised how many hours you have every year to study success.Associate with Like Minded and Positive People.Humans have a natural tendency to become 'normal' within our peer groups. This is why parents instinctively want their children to stay away from the 'bad influences'.We can take advantage of our tendency to become average in our peer groups by selecting peer groups that are at a higher average level then ourselves and actively associating with them.Joining your local business, entrepreneurs, or community service organisation can be a great way of gaining some of this association. Another way is to attend seminars and courses on areas of interest including Personal and Spiritual Growth and Investment/Wealth Building Strategy.Learn everything you can from OPE (Other People's Experience)Perhaps most importantly, all of these methods, (reading, listening/watching and associating) allow you to be exposed to new and challenging ideas, expand your own awareness and benefit from OPE so you don't have to make all the old mistakes again yourself, but rather can start at an advanced level.Keep Your Eyes Open for a Mentor.Just because you may not be able to afford a professional coach doesn't mean you can't have a mentor. If you are associating with people of like mind, you may just luck out and find a successful experienced person who is willing to mentor you.Speak with them on a regular basis about your progress and your plans, at least weekly. Let them give you an outsider's perspective on what you have done, how you have behaved, and what you need to do next. You don't need to do everything they tell you, but the simple fact that you are being totally honest with someone will keep you accountable for following through on your better intentions, which in the past may have fallen by the wayside.Once these elements are in place you are well on your way to establishing your own self-coaching system.Some other things to consider includeTake Care of Your HealthThere is little point in building wealth, having great relationships, growing a beautiful family, and being a high achiever if you become invalid or die early because you neglected your health.Devote Sufficient Energy to Your RelationshipsBe sure to devote an appropriate amount of time and energy to your family and friends. It won't be much fun if you make a pile of cash, but your spouse leaves you, or you have no friends to go on holidays around the world with.Set Your Goals High, and then break them into bite-sized chunks.If life were perfect, what would it look like? What would you do, be and have if you could wave a magic wand, and make it so? What would you attempt to do if you knew you could not fail? Why not try and do these things anyway?You really have a choice of two approaches to life, first choice is you aim high and maybe you don't acheive everything you set out to do, but you still achieve a massive amount. Alternatively you can aim low, and even if you achieve everything you set out to do, it will still be a dogs life! ... Could you really be happy with that?The trick however is to take your massive goals and break them into lots of little believable and achievable steps along the way.Take ActionThe best laid plans all amount to nothing if no one actually puts the plan into action... don't fall into the paralysis by analysis trap. Do your homework, sure, but sooner or later you just have to start... and have faith in whatever higher power you believe in to provide a net if you need one.Go All OutIf you had only 10,000 litres of fresh water to last you your whole life, would you be careful about how you used your water?I'd say you absolutely would, in fact you would come to value it more than just about any other resource. You would get as many uses out of each bit of water as possible, You would use the same water to wash yourself, then wash your dishes, then wash your car, then water your garden.... you'd squeeze every little bit of use out of every little bit of water you had.Fortunately we are not in that situation with water (yet) but we most definitely are in that position with time.We get so many seconds per minute, so many minutes per hour, so man hours per day all the way up to years in our life. We have a finite supply of time. As a result TIME IS OUR MOST PRECIOUS RESOURCE.Don't waste your time by going about your life in a halfhearted fashion.When you are working, work hard, when you are playing play hard, get enthusiastic and give whatever you are doing everything you have got while you are doing it, then when you move onto something else, move on with a clear conscience and give the new thing everything you've got. Not only will you get more into your finite life, you'll have more fun in the process!Don't lie on your deathbed saying IF ONLY!Stick to Your GunsShakspeare hit the nail on the head when he wrote "This above all, to thine own self be true". Don't let circumstance or naysayers get you down on your dream, or make give up on yourself and your success! Sure... if something isn't working, try a different tactic or approach, thats called learning, but remain true to your integrity, remain true to your word, and remain true to your dream!Finish what you Start95% of winning is just finishing, most of the crowd falls away in the last half of the race, to finish you have to keep running where most people turn back or pull out!Think of your journey to success as a marathon, chances are that at some stage in the race you are going to really hurt, and that you are going to have to work through your pain barrier. Just like a marathon, the important part of success is finishing, coming first is nice, but the race is truly a race against yourself, and winning is more about self mastery than about beating the other runners.What you become is far more important than what you 'get', and one thing you definately don't want to become is a quitter.To finish is to win no matter how long it takes!Expect to Win!Life will give you what you honestly expect, but it will test you along the way... all you need to do is stand fast by your dream and see the course through...You Can Do It!! God Speed!! Send me a postcard from the Top of the World! [EXTRACT] Professional coaching is more widely accepted in our society than ever as a positive and even necessary in our constant pursuit of happier, healthier and richer lives.Perhaps the greatest paradox of training to professional success is that those most in need are often least able to afford it, and those who can afford it easily and are reaching a significant level of success in their lives.Without doubt a good coach can offer perspective and responsibility for us that rarely is based on our own resources, yet many of the benefits of coaching can be obtained by those who can not afford coaching.If who can not afford a professional coaching service, which is still undoubted benefit to be had through regular listening and seeing positive reading materials and educational success deliberate association with people. Successful and positive Begin with reading: We all have different levels of leisure time reading different speeds and different levels of reading pleasure and therefore our ability to read several greatly.As a user guide with which the largest restrictions must read a minimum of 15 minutes per day of something in your field of activity, or in the general field of positive mental attitude, people skills, or personal development.Those us more free time, or greater enjoyment reading should strive to do everything that an hour a day reading.There relevant are several ways to get the right books, the cheapest of which is probably your local library.Follow this listening / Watching key. The garrison to hear / see positive educational TV audio, and video is to use the downtime, If you go to work, then listen to audio on the train or while driving, watching a positive educational television or video instead of the news or a comedy. If you calculate the hours spent driving or riding public transport and watch TV, you will be surprised how many hours does each year to study with equal positive and Allied People.Humans success.Associate have a natural tendency to become "normal" within our peer groups. This is why parents want their children to instinctively stay away from the 'bad influence'. We can take advantage of our tendency to become average in our peer group by selecting peer groups that are at a higher average then actively associate ourselves with them. Join your local business, business, or a community service organization can be a great way to earn some of this association. Another way is to attend seminars and courses in the areas of interest, including personal and spiritual growth and investment / wealth creation strategy. Learn all you can from the EPO (The experience of other people) Perhaps most importantly, all these methods (read, listen / watch and associate) allow you to be exposed to new and challenging ideas, expand their own awareness and benefit of the PEO to not have to do all the old mistakes again to yourself, but you can start an advanced level.Keep your eyes open for a Mentor.Just they can not afford a personal trainer does not mean you can not have a mentor. If you are associating with like-minded people, it is possible that only the lucky and find a successful person is willing to experience that mentors you.Speak with them regularly about their progress and plans at least weekly. Let us give you a strange perspective on what you did, how you behaved, and what you need to do next. No need to do everything you say, but the simple fact that he is being completely honest with someone who will maintain responsibility for monitoring their intentions rather than in the past may have fallen by the wayside.Once these elements are in his place is in a good way for the establishment of their own self-training system. Some other things to consider includeTake Care of Your HealthThere make much sense in creating wealth, good relationships, each time a beautiful family, and being a big winner, if you become disabled or die prematurely because you neglected your enough energy for RelationshipsBe health.Devote to devote an adequate amount of time and energy to his family and friends. It will not be much fun if you do a lot of cash, but your spouse leaves you, or do not have friends to go on holiday around the world with.Set your goals high, and then break into pieces the size of a snack. If life were perfect, what do you think? What would you do, be and have, if I could wave a magic wand and make it so? What do you try to do if you knew you could not fail? Why not try to do these things anyway? You really have a choice of two modes of life, is the first choice to aim high and may not achieve everything you set out to do, but still achieve a massive amount. Alternatively, you can aim low, and even if you achieve everything you set out to do, it will remain a dog's life! ... Could it really be happy with that? The trick however, is to take massive goals and divide them into lots of little credible and achievable steps along the best laid plans way.Take ActionThe all to nothing if no one actually puts into action the plan ... Do not fall into the trap of paralysis by analysis. Do your homework, sure, but sooner or later, just start ... and have faith in higher power who believe in providing a network, if needed. Go all OutIf that only had 10,000 gallons of fresh water to last a lifetime, you be careful about how we use water? I say absolutely, in fact that would come to value more than almost any other resource. That would result in many uses every bit of water as possible, you should use the same water for bathing, washing dishes, washing the car, then water your garden .... he squeezed every bit of use of every bit of water had.Fortunately are not in that situation with the water (yet) but certainly are in that position with time.We get as many seconds per minute, so many minutes per hour, that man-hours per day all the way to the year of our life. We have a limited time offer. The result is our most precious TIME t RESOURCE.Don 'wasting time going from his life in a less than enthusiastic. When you are working, hard work, when playing the game hard, excited and give what they are doing all you have while you are doing, then when you move to something else, go ahead with a clear conscience and give the new everything you have. Not only will you get more in your finite life, you'll have more fun in the process: Do not lie on your deathbed saying IF ONLY! Stick to Your GunsShakspeare hit the nail on the head when he wrote: "This, above all, to yourself be true." Do not let circumstances or naysayers put you in your sleep, or to give yourself and your success! Sure ... if something does not work, try a different tactic or approach, that's called learning, but being true to his integrity, true to his word, and stay true to your dream! Finish what you Start95% of winning is ending, most people fall into the latter half of the race, to finish what you have to continue to function in most people back or out! Think of your way to success as a marathon, it is likely that at some point in the race to be really hurt, and you will have to work through the pain barrier. Like a marathon, the important part of success is over, the first is nice, but the race is really a race against yourself, and winning is more about self-control to beat the other runners.What , you become much more important than what you 'get', and is something you definitely do not want to become a quitter.To finish is to win no matter how long it takes! expect to win! Life will give you what you honestly expect, but the test is on the road ... all you have to do is stand firm by your dream and see the course through ... You can do it! God Speed! Send me a postcard from the top of the world!