Wayside Gardens: Gardening Styles Revisited

Each gardener has his or her own set of gardening guidelines that correspond to certain predetermined gardening styles. If you know your gardening style and if you can apply that style to creating an organic garden, then you have pretty much captured an edge over other gardening enthusiasts. But, if you do not have a gardening style that you can apply to organic vegetable growing, then you could be at a strong disadvantage. What are the different styles of gardening that actually apply to successful organic vegetable harvesting? Here are some of the types that you could consider:Residential GardeningThis is the most common of all gardening techniques. It is often referred to as "backyard gardening". If you are just a novice and not seasonally experienced in vegetable gardening, then residential gardening is your best approach. The primary purpose of the residential garden is to feed a family. A steady supply of home grown vegetables can not only feed your family now, if you understand canning and preserving, your garden can nourish your family long after the production period of your garden has ended.The second appeal of residential gardening lies in its aesthetic appeal. Your garden can add color and depth to your landscape. It is quite transforming to see what was once only grass, a wooden deck, or a concrete balcony develop into an eye pleasing sculpture.Residential gardening does not require a great deal of space. A window sill, deck, balcony or other small area that has sufficient light can easily produce a small crop. These small confined areas are easy to monitor and at the same time, easy to maintain. Protecting your garden from pests is much easier in a smaller area. The great thing about residential gardening is the ease with which it transforms the gardening wannabe into the gardening professional. It takes the rookie, having no knowledge of planting, growing, and harvesting, to a level of understanding where other gardening styles become the dream and the possibility.Specialized GardeningSpecialized gardening usually involves non-residential areas. Common examples of specialized gardening include amusement parks, botanical gardens, zoos, commercial landscaping along highway right of ways, and many more. Making the landscape more attractive seems to be the most common underlying theme of the specialized garden. These landscaping endeavors are rarely the responsibility of a single person. Often times a staff of botanists and gardeners work together to maintain the garden's aesthetic attractiveness. These gardens are often created to support or deliver revenue to their owners or the organizations supporting them.Specialized gardens rarely sport vegetables like corn, tomatoes, potatoes, peas, or beans. They, in agreement with their type, focus more on the special or more rare type of flora. Unique flowers, shrubs, even trees are often found in these areas. But, when a specialized garden does focus on vegetable planting, wide row techniques, sewing seeds in a wide band rather than in a single row, are most often applied.Impact GardeningBy definition, impact gardening focuses on getting the most out of a small space. It involves using a relatively small gardening area and finding ways to maximize its gardening potential. In order to accomplish this objective, plants are strategically organized and systematically planted in a "crowded" format. This type of gardening requires a basic knowledge of plant types; annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees, and even ground cover. Understanding the types of plants most suited to the environment and the climate is paramount to successful impact gardening.Impact gardening requires planning. A haphazard approach will not work. A layout of which plants will be placed where is paramount to successful impact growing. The best approach is to actually draw out a schematic of the garden labeling specific areas and then filling those areas with the appropriate plants. These designs or surveys should be as detailed as possible to include plant specifics and cost analysis.There are four basic steps to successful impact gardening.
Step one, survey a space for the garden and mark off the specific site. It is best to have the long side of the plot aligned with the sun, from east to west. This helps keep the plants from burning in the summer heat, and ruining your crops.
Step two, design the garden. It should be attractive yet maintain its functionality.
Step three, make long thin beds, eight feet longer than they are wide. This makes it easy to weed and plant. Build the bed frames out of long 2x8's. If you make several, you can lay them end to end, parallel to the sun.
Step four, use soaker hoses to water. Place them up and down the rows, about one foot from the edges of the bed.
Indoor GardeningGrowing plants indoors is not only a science, it is an art. This type of gardening can be as small as a few potted plants kept on the coffee table or near the front door; or as large as a greenhouse with thousands of plant varieties housed in a climate controlled environment. These greenhouses or conservatories are designed and built with controlled systems for heating and air conditioning, whatever the plants require. Unfortunately this hot house type of gardening is more suitable to the commercial grower because of the expense factor involved.For the home owner, the greatest benefit of indoor gardening is the simple fact that plants can be grown year round, completely independent of extreme climatic conditions like heat, cold, wind, or rain. Light is the most common limiting factor for indoor gardening. Most plants do not do well indoors, so it is important to match the light needs of a particular plant with the amount of light you can offer it. There are three general light categories--high, medium and low light. An easy way to measure how much light is in a particular area is to use a light meter, which is typically available at local nurseries, or simply hold your hand between the source of light and the spot where the plant is to be set. The amount of shadow gives a rough indication of available light. If there is no shadow or if a shadow is difficult to see, then that is an indication of low light.Water GardeningIf you like low supervision gardening and love fish and aquatic plants, then water gardening is your style. Perhaps the most important consideration in water gardening is location selection. Most aquatic plants and fish need plenty of sun, so a place that gets 6-8 hours of direct sunlight is your best bet. Choose a site away from tall shrubs and trees. This site will then provide the best lighting and hopefully prevent the accumulation of leaf debris on the pond surface.Planning is once again very important. Make sure you apply both common sense and some basic gardening principles to your site plan before you begin construction. Consider the overall size of your property, the size of your site selection, and your ability to maintain your garden before you scoop the first shovel of dirt. It goes without saying, small ponds are best for small properties. A container on a deck may be all that your need in accordance with the space you have available. Features like waterfalls, rock work, lighting and fountains are budget dependent. They may add style, but they could be overly costly.Aquatic plants should cover no more than 50 - 60 percent of the water surface. Some are free floating while others are marginals or partially submerged. Selection depends on pond size and your personal preference. Water lilies are very popular and can add drama and fragrance even in small gardens. Some plants oxygenate the water and they help keep the water clear and the pool healthy. Fish can be a beneficial addition, because of their scavenging activities. They naturally clean up debris that would otherwise accumulate in the garden. They also can help control mosquito larva, and other insect development.Community GardeningCommunity gardening is becoming quite popular especially in highly populated urban areas. It involves concentrated efforts from different members of the community to help plant, maintain, and then harvest a garden. It is a huge undertaking, but the members of the community are given autonomy to style their areas in whichever way they choose. Locally, the Master Gardner program, through local Agricultural Extension Services, can provide just the right atmosphere for a community to plant a garden, maintain its integrity, and harvest its produce.Neighborhoods pull together and transform vacant lots into green space. Building tenants gather on rooftops to plant and grow vegetables. Everyone shares in the responsibility and the harvest. This is community gardening in its purest form. These community gardens are a great way to get both children and adults involved in beautifying the neighborhood while at the same time working with nature.No matter which style suits your needs best, it can be effectively applied to organic gardening. Each gardening style requires some level of planning and site preparation. Once planting is complete, the actual work of gardening begins. Caring for the plants in your garden is very similar to caring for your pets. They need regular food and water. Their space needs to be cleaned or weeded regularly. And, the more attention you give them, the more they respond and produce. [EXTRACT] Every gardener has established its own garden of guidelines that correspond to certain default styles of gardening. If you know your style of gardening and if you can apply that style to create an organic garden, then you have more or less caught an edge over other gardening enthusiasts. But if you do not have a style of gardening that can be applied to growing organic vegetables, then you could be in a strong disadvantage. What are the different styles of gardening that actually apply to the successful harvest of organic vegetables? Here are some of the types you might consider: GardeningThis residential is the most common of all gardening techniques. Often referred to as "backyard organic farming." If you are a novice and experienced seasonal vegetable cultivation, then residential gardening is your best option. The main purpose of the residential garden is to feed a family. A steady supply of homegrown vegetables, not only can feed your family now, if you understand Preserves, your yard can feed his family long after the production period of his garden has ended.The second appeal of residential landscaping is in its aesthetic appeal. Your garden can add color and depth of its landscape. It's enough to see the transformation of what was just grass, a wooden deck or concrete deck become a pleasant garden view sculpture.Residential not require a large amount of space. A window sill, deck, balcony or other small area that has enough light can easily produce a small crop. These small confined areas are easy to control and at the same time, easy to maintain. Protecting your garden from pests is much easier in a smaller area. The great thing about residential gardening is the ease with which transforms the landscape gardening aspiring professional. It requires the novice, having no knowledge of planting, cultivating and harvesting at a level of understanding that other styles of gardening become the dream and gardening GardeningSpecialized possibility.Specialized usually involves non-residential areas. Common examples of gardening expertise include amusement parks, botanical gardens, zoos, commercial gardens along the road right of ways, and many more. Making the most attractive landscape seems to be the most common underlying theme of the garden specialist. These gardening efforts rarely the responsibility of one person. Frequently, a team of botanists and gardeners work together to maintain the aesthetic appeal of the garden. These gardens are often created to support or provide income to its owners or organizations that support vegetable gardens them.Specialized rarely sport such as corn, tomatoes, potatoes, peas or beans. That, according to their type, are more focused on the particular type or rare flora. Unique flowers, shrubs and even trees are often found in these areas. However, when one focuses on specialized garden planting vegetables, row width techniques, sewing the seeds in a broad band rather than a single row, are more often applied.Impact GardeningBy definition, impact gardening focuses maximum performance in a small space. It involves using a relatively small area of ​​garden and find ways to maximize your potential for gardening. To achieve this, plants are strategically organized and systematic, planted in a "full" format. This type of garden requires a basic understanding of the types of plants, annuals, perennials, shrubs, trees, and even ground cover. Description of the types of plants suitable for the environment and climate is critical to successful gardening requires planning gardening.Impact impact. Without any order, will not work. Plant design to be placed where it is critical to successfully growing influence. The best approach is to bring reality to a labeling scheme specific areas of the garden and then filling the areas with appropriate plants. These designs or studies should be as detailed as possible to include specific aspects of plants and analysis.There costs are four basic steps for gardening positive impact. The first step, the study of space for the garden and mark the specific site. The best thing is that the long side of the frame aligned with the sun, from east to west. This helps keep the plants from burning in the heat of summer, and ruining their crops. The second step, the garden design. It must be attractive and maintain its functionality. The third step, make thin long, eight feet long as broad. This makes it easy to weed and plant. Building frames 2x8 long bed. If you do several, you can put one after another, parallel to the sun. The fourth step, use soaker hoses in the water. Place up and down the rows, about one foot from the edges of the bed. Interior GardeningGrowing houseplants is not only a science, is an art. This type of gardening can be as small as a few potted plants kept on the coffee table or near the door, or as large as a greenhouse with thousands of varieties of plants located in a climate controlled environment. These greenhouses or conservatories are designed and built control systems for heating and air conditioning, which plants require. Unfortunately, this type of hot house gardening is more suitable for the commercial grower because of the expense factor involved.For the homeowner, the greatest benefit of indoor gardening is the simple fact that plants can be grown throughout the year, completely independent of climatic extremes such as heat, cold, wind or rain. Light is the most limiting factor for the average indoor gardening. Most plants do well indoors, so it is important to meet the lighting needs of a particular plant with the amount of light that you can offer. There are three general categories of light - the light high, medium and low. An easy way to measure the amount of light in a particular area is to use a light meter, which is usually available in local nurseries, or simply hold your hand between the light source and the place where the plant be set. The amount of shade gives a rough indication of the available light. If there is no shade or shade is hard to see, then that is an indication of low light.Water GardeningIf you like supervised gardening and love fish and aquatic plants, then water gardening is your style. Perhaps the most important consideration in water gardening is the placement. Most aquatic plants and fish need lots of sun, so a place that receives 6-8 hours of direct sunlight is your best bet. Choose a site away from bushes and trees. This site will provide better lighting and is expected to avoid the accumulation of leaf litter on the surface. Planning a new pond is very important. Be sure to apply common sense and basic principles of gardening to his site plan before construction begins. Consider the total size of your property, the size of the site selection, and ability to keep your garden before the first shovel scoop of soil. Needless to say, small ponds are best for small properties. A container on a deck may be all your need according to the space you have available. Features such as waterfalls, rock lighting of work, budget and sources are dependent. You can add style, but could be too costly.Aquatic plants should cover no more than 50-60 percent of the water surface. Some are free-floating, while others are marginal or partially submerged. The selection depends on the size of the pool and your personal preferences. Water lilies are very popular and can add drama and fragrance, even in small gardens. Some plants oxygenate the water and help keep water clean and healthy pool. Fish can be a beneficial addition, due to their scavenging activities. They naturally clean the debris that would otherwise accumulate in the garden. They can also help control mosquito larvae and other insects development.Community GardeningCommunity gardening is becoming very popular especially in densely populated urban areas. These concerted efforts from different members of the community to help plant, maintain, and after harvesting a garden. It is an enormous task, but members of the community are given autonomy to style their areas in any way they choose. Locally, the Master Gardner program through local agricultural extension service can provide the right atmosphere for a community to plant a garden, maintain their integrity, and the harvest of their products. Districts collect and transform vacant lots into green spaces. Tenants of the building together on the roofs of the plant and grow vegetables. We all share responsibility and harvest. This is the community garden in its purest form. These gardens are a great way to get children and adults involved in beautifying the neighborhood, while at the same time working with nature.No matter what style suits your needs can be effectively applied to the organic gardening. Each style of gardening requires some level of planning and site preparation. Once planting is completed, the actual work of gardening begins. The care of the plants in your garden is very similar to the care of their pets. They need regular food and water. Your space must be cleaned or disposed of regularly. And more attention is given, rather than respond and produce.